Adventists Support WHO Tobacco Control Treaty Silver Spring, MD, USA | 04.07.2003 | Health & Ethics "As smoking rates decline in the United States of America and other western nations, the tobacco industry has aggressively targeted developing nations to find new customers for its deadly products." (Campaign for Tabacco Free Kids) At the opening ceremony on June 16 in Geneva, 28 countries signed the new global tobacco treaty. This treaty was adopted last month by all 192 Member States of the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO). The first international treaty, the Framework Conv
Malawi: Believers Safe, Church Damaged After Anti-Christian Rioting Mangochi, Malawi | 02.07.2003 | International Five hundred Seventh-day Adventists in Mangochi, a town near Lake Malawi, are grateful that a day of rioting June 27 only damaged their church buildings. The riots, caused by Muslims protesting the deportation of suspected al Qaeda terrorists by Malawi, resulted in the burning of a Roman Catholic Church in Mangochi, as well as the local office of Save the Children, a charity. According to Adventist church officials, the two Adventist church buildings chiefly suffered shattered windows, while
Turks & Caicos: Adventist Mission Office and Home of President Destroyed by Fire Grand Turk, Turk & Caicos | 02.07.2003 | International An arrest has been made in what local police are calling an arson fire at the office of the Turks & Caicos Mission of Seventh-day Adventists on May 21. The flames burned most of the inside structure of the office and the adjacent home of the local church leader. No one was injured. Pastor Peter Kerr, president of the church in the Turks and Caicos Islands, was attending executive meetings of the church's Inter-American Division when the fire occurred. His wife was working at the church's prim