Adventist Youths From South Pacific To Gather For Church Congress In Fiji Suva, Fiji | 24.07.2004 | International More then 4500 youths of the Seventh Day Adventist Church from around the South Pacific region will meet in Suva in what is expected to be a major boost for the country, according to a news report from the Fiji Times. The youths from Australia, New Zealand, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Cook Islands, Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu, French Polynesia, Papua New Guinea and Fiji are expected to be part of the 2004 Youth Congress from December 30 to January 4, 2005. Trans Pacific Union Youth Director Fred Toailoa s
Chamberlain Case: Baby Azaria mystery deepens Perth, Western Australia, Australia | 19.07.2004 | International By Sheree Went Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton is reportedly examining a claim that a "fair-skinned woman" aged in her 20s is living with a group of Aboriginal people in the remote Western Desert. Lindy investigates theory Azaria living with Aborigines Journalist Ray Martin said last night Mrs Chamberlain-Creighton was looking into the claim, made by a Seventh Day Adventist minister. Martin, who made the claim on Channel Nine's A Current Affair, did not elaborate, and there was no comment f
International Adventist Nurses' Convention Met in Coventry Coventry, U.K. | 19.07.2004 | Health & Ethics From July 12 to 16 a major Adventist Nurses' Convention was held at the Royal Court Hotel near Coventry. The event was organised by the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference Health Ministries department and U.S. based Loma Linda University School of Nursing, in conjunction with the British Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Health Ministries department. It was largely funded by "The Ralph and Carolyn Thompson Charitable Foundation" and was attended by around sixty people fro
Haiti: ADRA and Loma Linda University Partner To Create A National Crisis Intervention Team Port-au-Prince, Haiti | 16.07.2004 | ADRA In the aftermath of the floods that ravaged southeast Haiti last May, the Adventist Relief and Development Agency (ADRA) and the International Behavioral Health Trauma Team from Loma Linda University met in Port-au-Prince from June 28 to July 3 to train local medical professionals and volunteers in aiding disaster victims. The general public was also given an opportunity to attend the training. Reports say the floods killed 1,700 in the province of Mapou and surrounding communities, and left mor
Australian Adventist Evangelist Popular in Singapore Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia | 16.07.2004 | International A lifestyle series presented by an Australian Seventh-day Adventist evangelist has proved popular in Singapore. Average attendance for each of the programs in Pastor Peter Jack's Taking Charge series ranged from 150 to 290 over three months. The Adventist Media evangelist presented the programs at the Singapore Conference Hall and the Singapore Power Auditorium. "An Australian-based life management presenter working in Singapore at the time attended all the programs with his Singapore-base
Greece: Romanian-Speaking Adventist Church Established in Athens Athens, Greece | 16.07.2004 | International A new Adventist church was established in Athens on June 26 consisting mainly of Romanian Seventh-day Adventists working in Greece. There are more than 80 members in the congregation some of whom became Adventists as a result of the missionary activity of their Romanian country-fellows living in Athens. The first Romanian Adventists to arrive in 1997 formed a Bible School class and by 2001 they already numbered 20 members. Two evangelistic series were organized resulting in 14 persons being bapt
First Iraqi Adventist Death Mosul, Iraq | 16.07.2004 | International On July 11 (Sunday) a Seventh-day Adventist mother of three (the eldest only 11) was travelling to a relative’s wedding in Mosul. At some point an American convoy began to pass her vehicle. Just as it did, something in front of the convoy exploded. Immediately the soldiers began firing in all directions and our sister was one of the ones hit by the flying bullets. One of her children was also injured. Today they buried her in Mosul. Homer Trecartin, Secretary-Treasurer of the Seventh-day Adv
New ADRA Initiative Fights HIV/AIDS Throughout Africa Silver Spring, Maryland, USA | 16.07.2004 | ADRA The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) initiated a project to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS in the continent of Africa. The three-year project, funded for US$526,000 by the Swedish government through ADRA Sweden, will train trainers of counselors in the care, support, and counseling of those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. A curriculum is being developed to train health professionals, teachers, and influential community or religious leaders. Once the selected trainers have bee
Adventist World Church: Hope 4 The Big Cities Campaign Raises Goals Silver Spring, Maryland, USA | 14.07.2004 | International "Hope 4 The Big Cities," a proposed worldwide urban outreach by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, is raising its goals, hoping to reach out to even more large cities than originally planned. From an original initial proposal to engage the church in special evangelism efforts in 13 cities, at least 60 are now being targeted and more than 100 new congregations are planned for those cities, church leaders say. In 1950, only 18 percent of developing countries' populations lived in cities; soon,
United Kingdom: Adventists, Others Concerned Over Proposed London, United Kingdom | 14.07.2004 | International Seventh-day Adventist church leaders in the United Kingdom -- and others -- are concerned about a proposed "religious hatred" legislation called for July 7 by David Blunkett, the British Home Secretary. "We also need to acknowledge the risk that extremists of every kind -- whether political or religious -- will try to use this sense of insecurity to promote their objectives. That is what they want: to play on people's legitimate fears to create division and destroy the mutuality on which our
Chamberlains Tragedy: Azaria still a vestige of human frailty Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | 12.07.2004 | International Nearly 24 years after her death, news of missing infant Azaria Chamberlain can elicit fervour throughout Australian society, writes Gary Tippet. Years ago America's most dysfunctional family visited Australia, outraging the nation so severely that the worst offender was condemned to receive a traditional public Booting. Bart Simpson's response? "Hey, I think I hear a dingo eatin' your baby." Back in New York, Seinfeld's Elaine insults a stranger in similar terms. On the West Coast, one
Sudan: Darfur Adventists 'In A Dire and Desperate Situation' Darfur, Sudan | 12.07.2004 | International Concern is mounting over the increasingly desperate humanitarian crisis in the Darfur region of western Sudan, according to Paul Yithak, secretary for the Adventist Church in Sudan. "Thank God no one [among our church members] was killed or injured; however, they are in a dire and desperate situation." In a July 8 e-mail to the church's regional Middle East headquarters, Yithak expressed his anguish that Adventists from the church in Nyala province "have no access to help." Around 50,000