In East-Central Africa, Adventist president urges 'ownership' of church <br> <br> Involvement, financial contribution necessary to support growth, Paulsen says Nairobi/Kenya | 30.05.2010 | International Seventh-day Adventist world church President Jan Paulsen recently encouraged local leadership and members in East-Central Africa to "take ownership" of the church. During a four-day tour end of May, Paulsen met with local church leaders, laypeople and Adventist University of Africa (AUA) administration and partners, encouraging self-sufficiency in the region. "The Adventist church in Africa must be able to provide for its own needs for the future because of its rapid growth," he said, cit
Adventists to participate in Edinburgh World Missionary Conference <br> <br> Church's study center director will co-chair Foundations for Mission session Washington D.C./Edinburgh | 30.05.2010 | [img id=1727 align=right]Seventh-day Adventists will contribute to an historic mission conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2 to 6. The Edinburgh event marks 100 years since the last Edinburgh World Missionary Conference when 1,355 Christian delegates, including 208 women, representing western Mission societies of numerous faiths and countries gathered to discuss the future of mission. One hundred years later, the 1910 conference is recognized as a significant event in modern mission. A s
Norwegian ambassador, Paulsen meet at Adventist church headquarters <br> <br> Countrymen focus on commonalities despite religious differences Silver Spring, Maryland/USA, | 13.05.2010 | Religion + State The ambassador of Norway to the United States of America, Wegger Christian Strommen, visited recently the Seventh-day Adventist Church world headquarters. He praised Seventh-day Adventists for their international humanitarian work and denominational unity. Ambassador Strommen was hosted by fellow countryman Jan Paulsen (born 1935 in Narvik, Norway), since 1999 president of the denomination, along with a group of church leaders during an April 26 protocol visit. Strommen was appointed ambas
Dutch Queen Beatrix honors three Adventists for community service <br <br> Order of Orange-Nassau awarded for community involvement Amsterdam/The Netherlands | 13.05.2010 | Persons Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands honored three Seventh-day Adventists for their community service along with other national award recipients during an annual ceremony on April 30. Pastoral worker Jan Kerssen was knighted into The Order of Orange-Nassau in the town hall in Groningen, by its Mayor Peter Rehwinkel. Kerssen was awarded for his commitment to smoking-cessation programs and for his involvement in setting up an inner-city drop-in center, The Oasis, in conjunction with other Protestan
Evangelical Alliance in the UK calls on Cameron and Clegg to lead in a spirit of trust and co-operation London/UK | 12.05.2010 | International The Evangelical Alliance in the UK has congratulated David Cameron as the country's 52nd prime minister, and Nick Clegg his deputy for coming together to form a Government and called for them to lead in a spirit of trust and co-operation. Steve Clifford, General Director of the Evangelical Alliance, said: ”Out of the potential chaos that followed Thursday's indecisive result, we have seen our political leaders act with a dignity that accords their high office. “I hope that the coming week
In Kenya, Adventist leadership distancing itself from proposed abortion law <br> <br> Members expected to 'make informed decisions,' church official says Nairobi/Kenya | 11.05.2010 | Health & Ethics Seventh-day Adventist Church leadership in Kenya are not urging opposition or support for a proposed law that may relax abortion restrictions in the country, instead encouraging church members to vote according to their consciences. The law, part of a proposed constitution, is widely opposed by Kenya's Protestant Christian majority. Adventist Church leaders have distanced themselves from the opposition, specifically declining to participate in an ongoing campaign to amend the law's wording b
Council of Evangelical Protestant Churches of Ukraine Against Involvement of Churches in Politics Kyiv/Ukraine | 02.05.2010 | Religion + State The Council of Evangelical Protestant Churches of Ukraine (CEPCU) published on April 21 a statement expressing its position on the role of the church in the society and on its attitude about politics. In the document, the heads of the Protestant churches expressed concern over the fact that certain politicians attempted to use the authority of the council and the Evangelical Protestant churches for their own political interests, reports the Kyiv based Institute of Religious Freedom (IPC). "It