On ordination questions, Adventist leadership appeals for orderly process Silver Spring, Maryland/USA, | 29.06.2012 | International The world leadership of the Seventh-day Adventists has issued a highly unusual “appeal for unity” to regional administrative units of the church that have either taken or are considering independent action regarding the ordination of women to gospel ministry. The request comes in a statement issued on June 29 in response to actions by several union conferences, including two in North America. The union conferences, the key constituent elements of the church’s worldwide General Conference (GC)
Warmth, Honesty mark Adventist-Mennonite Dialogue Basel/Switzerland | 01.06.2012 | Ecumenism Representatives of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and the Mennonite World Conference met in dialogue May 28-31 at the Study and Conference Center Bienenberg near Basel, Switzerland. The four days of conversation were characterized by both Christian warmth and frank exchange of perspectives. This was the second round of dialogue based on the theme, “Living the Christian Life in Today’s World.” The first series of conversation took place June 28-July 1, 2011 at the Adventist c