President-elect of Fiji is an Adventist Christian Suva/Fiji | 21.10.2015 | International For the first time, a Seventh-day Adventist has been nominated president of the south pacific nation of Fiji. Major General Jioji Konousi Konrote, better known as George Konrote, has most recently been serving as Minister for Employment, Labour Relations and Productivity but will need to leave this position in order to take up the presidency, a mostly ceremonial role analogous to that of governor-general in other Commonwealth countries. In an official announcement of the nomination, Fiji
Adventists in Germany publish statement on the current refugee situation Hannover and Ostfildern/Germany | 13.10.2015 | International After a special conference on assistance to refugees, 22. September in Ostfildern/Germany, the leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Germany published a statement about the current refugee situation: “Declaration Regarding the Current Refugee Situation by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Germany“. It emphasizes that the Adventist Church supports the protection of victims of political persecution, war refugees and their right of access to medical care, education and social services. The document also contains recommendations for local Adventist churches to provide aid for refugees and people seeking asylum.