4,762 Seventh-day Adventists in Switzerland donated USD 13.3 million Zürich/Schweiz | 15.02.2018 | International 4,762 Seventh-day Adventists lived at the end of December 2017 in Switzerland. The number of members has increased by 110 people in one year. Adventists in Switzerland celebrate in 54 congregations and six groups the divine service on Saturday (Sabbath), the biblical day of rest. According to the communications department of the Adventist Church in Switzerland church members donated USD 13,3 million, an average of USD 2,800 per person, for the Adventist church worldwide and nationally. This amount does not include donations for the needs and tasks of the local churches.
The Audacity of Peacemaking - Statement of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Germany on the end of the first World War in 1918 Ostfildern near Stuttgart/Germany | 02.02.2018 | International In commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the end of the First World War the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Germany adopted the declaration "The Audacity of Peacemaking" ("Mut zum Frieden"). It was published in the February 2018 issue of the church magazine "Adventisten heute". In the statement the leadership of the Adventist Church recommends its members not to participate directly or indirectly in a war.