The Italian Prime minister Silvio Berlusconi and the president of the Italian Union of the Seventh-day Adventist Churches (Unione Italiana delle Chiese Cristiane Avventiste del 7° Giorno), Pastor Lucio Altin, signed an agreement concerning the recognition of the Degree in Theology attained at the Adventist Theological Faculty, Institute of Biblical Culture "Villa Aurora", in Florence, which replaces the current agreement with this Protestant mainstream church. The new text of the agreement – a modification of article 12 of the "Intesa", a kind of a concordat with the State, will be submitted during the next cabinet meeting in order to approve the draft bill which will then go to Italian Parliament, in accordance with article 8 of the constitution.
An "Intesa" (concordat) grants ministers of religion automatic access to state hospitals, prisons, and military barracks, allows for civil registry of religious marriages, facilitates special religious practices regarding funerals, and exempts students from school attendance on religious holidays.
In compliance with the laws of the Italian government and with the governances of the Italian University system, and based on the Agreement between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Italian Union of 7th Day Adventist Churches in Italy (law 22 November 1988 - n. 516), the Adventist Theological Faculty "Villa Aurora" requested official recognition from the State for its Degree in Theology. In February 2003 the Congress of the Italian Government expressed favourable regarding this request of the Florence Seminary. The Adventist Theological Faculty in Florence was established in 1940.

In future the state recognition will allow the Theological Faculty to grant a Degree in Theology (First Level) and a Degree in Theology (Second Level), legally recognized in Italy and abroad.