Acts of vandalism were committed on different buildings of Novi Sad, in the Vojvodina province of Serbia on the last few days. According to the Serb media, the graffiti contained threats and Nazi symbols.
The independent news service "Kosovonews" reports that slogans such as "Shiptars out of Serbia" (Shiptar is a Serb derogatory term for Albanians), "Kosovo is Serbia", "Serbia to Serbs only", "Expel all Hungarians from Serbia" and symbols like the Star of David with swastikas on top were written or drawn on different buildings.
Serb medias sources also claim that drunken individuals have entered the building of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Novi Sad and attacked Pastor Ljubiša Stajić and other members of the church.
"In the past we had to suffer various violent attack on our church buildings, church members, pastors and church officials," explained Miodrag Zivanovic, Communication director of the Seventh-day Adventist Church South-East European Union, to the Adventist Press Service (APD). In spring 2003 was culmination of the hostility, where in the Adventist church building of Zrenjanin Pastor Josif Tikvicki was attacked and seriously injured. Also in Kragujevac the church building was attacked and damaged. Twice in 2003, on April 5 and April 8 the church building in Belgrade was attacked and six windows were broken. One of those attacks happened during the worship service when the believers were inside the building.

In a statement released in April 2003 to governmental authorities and the Serb media the mainstream protestant Adventist Church in Serbia stated: "All those incidents contribute to the feelings of insecurity and discontent with the measures taken for the protection of our rights to freely practice our religious convictions... Even though we always reported those incidents, the taken measures were not adequate nor we were protected in the appropriate manner."
During the first weekend in May similar events like in Novi Sad occurred in the city of Nish. Walls and basketball goals in a school in Nis were defaced with Nazi-style graffiti.
"We burnt down the mosque, now it’s your turn, starting with the youngest," is one of the slogans which appeared overnight on May 1, together with swastikas. The slogan refers to the burning of the town’s mosque during the March ethnic riots in Kosovo.
The director of the towns Multicultural Integration Bureau, Radoslav Salijevic, said that the graffiti had been discovered and reported to him by children playing basketball. "There are a lot of Roma children in the school and the school is an area with a large Roma population, so this is probably a reaction to that." Police had been informed, said Salijevic, adding that there had been no reaction in local media.