Six weeks after world church leaders voted a new fundamental belief statement, Seventh-day Adventists can now consult a 446-page reference volume offering a deeper explanation of what Adventist Christians believe, and why. The new paperbound volume, titled "Seventh-day Adventists Believe: An exposition of the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church," has just been printed by the Pacific Press Publishing Association, one of the church's North American publishing houses, a church official said.

The book includes a new chapter on "Growing in Christ," the fundamental belief statement voted by delegates to the church's 58th General Conference Session. The chapter explains the rationale for the belief, as well as its expression in the life of the believer. Although only the belief statements are officially voted expressions of Adventist doctrine, the expositions in the book can be used to amplify and deepen members' understandings of those beliefs.
The church's Ministerial Association, which is responsible for nurturing pastoral development in the denomination, supervised the revision and publication of the book. It's the first rewrite since the original "Seventh-day Adventists Believe" appeared in 1988. That volume went through many printings, with nearly 1 million copies in circulation.
"Seventh-day Adventists Believe" is currently published in English, and editions in Spanish, Portuguese and French are expected to be available by the end of this year, according to Pastor James M. Cress, ministerial secretary for the world church.
"This single volume shows in detail how each [Seventh-day Adventist] belief is grounded in the Bible and focused on Jesus Christ," the book's back cover notes, written by Cress, states. "Adventist church members can use this book to dig down to the roots of their faith -- to rediscover the details of truth that excited them when they first found the joy of salvation," he adds.
The book promises "students of any background will discover enriching insights into a fulfilling relationship with God for their individual lives. If you worship in another church, anticipate some fresh perspectives as you read. As a group, all Christians comprise a minority of the world's population. We need to draw close together and grow from each other's spiritual journey."
The new volume was revised and edited by John M. Fowler, an associate in the church's Education Department who had previously served in the Ministerial Association. Fowler also wrote the new chapter on "Growing in Christ."
The book, indexed and with endnotes for almost every chapter, reveals a wide range of sources used in explaining and expanding on Adventist beliefs. More than 30 authors and speakers are quoted or referenced in the chapters, accompanying and explaining each belief statement.
In North America, the English edition of "Seventh-day Adventists Believe" will be available through church-owned Adventist Book Centers, as well as the Ministerial Association Web site, [Editor: Mark A. Kellner for ANN/APD]
Related Sites Orders for "Seventh-day Adventists Believe..." are being accepted through this Web site. lists North American retail Adventist Book Center locations as well as accepts online orders.