Jamaica Receives US$1.2 Million in Medical Supplies From ADRA

Jamaica Receives US$1.2 Million in Medical Supplies From ADRA | 28.09.2005 | APD | ADRA

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International has donated on September 21 pharmaceutical supplies worth of US$1.2 million to the Ministry of Health in Jamaica.

The donation consisted of a variety of pharmaceutical products, such as ampicillin, ferrous sulphate, ibuprofen, multivitamin syrup, oral rehydration salts, paracetamol, tetracycline, vitamin A, amoxicillin, and various other antibiotics. It was given to the health sector in response to a shortage of pharmaceutical drugs caused by Hurricane Ivan in September of 2004.

The drugs will be distributed in public hospitals, government hospitals, clinics, and medical institutions in the public health care system.

“We want to express the sincere gratitude of the government of Jamaica and the people of Jamaica for this very, very generous donation,” stated Claude Brown, director of ADRA Jamaica. “It could not have come at a better time.”

ADRA has been active in Jamaica since 1985, working primarily in food security, emergency management, and community development.

ADRA is present in 125 countries, providing community development and emergency management without regard to political or religious association, age, or ethnicity.

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