Leaders of a wide range of Christian churches met in Geneva, Switzerland, for a series of consultations October 16 to 22. The Conference of Secretaries of the Christian World Communions (CS/CWC), a loosely structured group, has met annually since 1957, providing a venue for frank and open dialogue in an informal setting, according to conference secretary Dr. John Graz, who is also the director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty for the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church.
"This conference is very much valued as a space in which representatives from the different Christian communions can communicate on a wide range of issues," said Graz. While the agenda is not public, and there are no formal decisions, no joint statements nor press releases, the opportunity to meet and discuss matters of mutual interest is of benefit to all, he adds.
The CS/CWC organize periodic forums to analyze bilateral conversations and compare their results with the Faith and Order studies of the World Council of Churches (WCC).
"This year we did ask for all representatives to speak on the subject of what their community is doing to help the HIV/AIDS challenge," Graz added. "Faced with such a devastating pandemic, all Christians need to demonstrate their compassion and concern in very practical ways. It is important that we know what each other is doing so we can be aware and bring the maximum benefit to those who are suffering."
The conference brought together 27 representatives from the majority of mainstream Christian denominations under the chairmanship of Dr. Setri Nyomi, general secretary of the Geneva based World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC). [Editor: Jonathan Gallagher and Christian B. Schaeffler for ANN/APD]