Teenage Mothers in Mexico Learn Valuable Life Skills from ADRA

Silver Spring, Maryland/USA | 19.01.2006 | APD | ADRA

In Mexico City, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is teaching young mothers skills that will enable them to become financially independent, as well as provide better care for their children.

ADRA has equipped a training centre in Mexico City to teach young mothers sewing skills that they will be able to use to provide for their families. The young women, who are between the ages of 12 to 16, are residents of La Casa de Las Mercedes, a private institution that provides a home for young pregnant women.

The girls are also learning to make school and work uniforms, as well as clothes for infants. The clothing made will be sold and proceeds from the sale will be used to support La Casa de Las Mercedes.

“The goal of the project,” commented Rafael Garcia, country director for the ADRA office in Mexico, “is to equip the girls with vocational training that will provide them with the means to provide for themselves and their families. It is also meant to be a form of occupational therapy for the young women.”

The girls will receive specialized training in sewing, as well as training in infant care. With these skills, stated Garcia, the young women will be able to start their own businesses, specializing in the making of clothes for infants. The group also plans to begin a clothing line for children, entitled MAMA (Madres Adolescentes Mirando Arriba).

The project, which began in December of 2005, will provide training for the girls until June 2006 when they will begin the production phase of the project. The project is funded by ADRA Canada and is worth almost US$19,000 [approx. EUR 15,800].

ADRA is present in 125 countries, providing community development and emergency management without regard to political or religious association, age, or ethnicity.

Additional information about ADRA can be found at www.adra.org

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