ECPA Awards 2009

«ESV Study Bible» named Book, Bible of the Year 2009 and Winner in the Bible Category

Dallas, Texas/USA | 25.03.2009 | APD | Bible

The "ESV Study Bible" has been named the “Christian Book of the Year” by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA), marking the first time the honour has been given to a study Bible.

The Bible, which is in the English Standard Version (ESV), includes study notes from evangelical Christian scholars and other reference materials. Published by Crossway, it also won in the best Bible category.

"This was a memorable evening in many respects," said Mark Kuyper, president of ECPA. "It was the first time a study Bible earned top honours and the first time we've opened the awards presentation to the public."

Lane Dennis, president of the publishing company Crossway, who called the recognition "stunning," said the reaction to the Bible--published in October--had been remarkable, and he credited the "tremendous" team at the Wheaton, Ill.-based company for its development.

"It's amazing to think about the impact it's having worldwide, that especially during challenging times, people are turning to God's Word," he told Christian Retailing. "It's His gift--what an honour it is to publish it."

Kuyper credited the "innovative" Bible for its connection between print and online formats. The ESV Study Bible is among the first Bibles to offer companion online content, and an eBook version has been a consistent best-seller on

Another Crossway title, John Piper's Spectacular Sins, was recognized as the winner in the Christian Life category. Titles from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing were honored in two categories--Children & Youth: For Young Men Only by Jeff Feldhahn and Eric Rice with Shaunti Feldhahn, and Fiction: The Shape of Mercy by Susan Meissner.

Winners in other categories were: Bible Reference & Study: Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry & Writings by Tremper Longman and Peter Enns (InterVarsity Press); and Inspiration & Gift: Holiness Day by Day by Jerry Bridges (NavPress).

The Christian Book Awards winners were selected from 218 products submitted by ECPA member publishers in 2008. Kuyper said the awards show was a great start to an event that would "expand in the years to come."

Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA), founded in 1974, has a long-standing tradition and history of supporting quality and integrity in Christian publishing. ECPA’s mission is to equip our members so they can more effectively make the Christian message widely known by enhancing our industry’s: access to markets; access to awareness; access to education, expertise and consulting; access to information; and access to peers.

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