Brieftext des Unionspräsidenten der Freikirche der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten an den Botschafter der USA in Bern

Bern | 12.09.2001 | APD | Schweiz

Swiss Union of Seventh Day Adventist Church
Chemin des Pépinières 19
P.O. Box 453
CH-1020 Renens/Switzerland

Renens, September 12th, 2001

To the Ambassador of the United States of America
Jubiläumsstr. 93
3005 Bern

Mister Ambassador,

Deeply shaken by the tragedy that has struck the American people, we would like to assure you, on behalf of the Swiss Union of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, that we share the grief of the American community in Switzerland as well as of the families touched by this drama.

We pray that God may sustain and comfort those who are crying during these moments of distress.

Please receive the expression of our consideration and sympathy.

Denis Rosat, president
Swiss Union of Seventh Day Adventist Church

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